the system, I piss on Yes, I piss on the system, I spit in his face, if only he had a figure that could relieve myself. officials rotten, rotten administration, corrupt politicians, here is the reality of this system. if you do not know anyone high up there treats you like shit, just, and even worse. if you're a good, if you have principles, you're going from one disappointment from failure to failure until you resign yourself to become corrupt. it pushes you to the end, until you become part of the system or we t'exclue . Today I rebel against the system policy in Tunisia, a rotten system, like all others, a system that has not escaped the rule of decay. of the tray you can not do what you want, you have no choice for the majority anyway and it does not stop there. with the FAC as you have no choice, you bump, you're brainstorming, you finally succeed, but after you do what you want either, you do not get the direction you want. what criteria are they based? one: koll chay aktef beautiful. the lists are ready, there is 2 places if you're lucky you in and then take a voila. I find that the orientation and Others in college is ridiculous, "the university we are adults we can not force us to choose which one does not, it should be automatic, once a college and once you made it you can do anything. but not, of course with a success rate of 75% in bin there is no place for everybody, all schools are overcrowded, you can not choose your specialty. a success rate almost equal to the rate with which presidents are elected in the third world ... but of course he should be spared the teachers, they should not be too tired of them a week from 6am, he should be spared as the administration , Bein yes all those working in the field of administration are sadistic at the edges, they have to hurt you they disappoint you, they see you cry to be satisfied. your failure is a kind of orgasm for their egos. yes they have full power and they can make you what they want.
Yesterday I spent the day crying, I cried all the tears in my heart for guidance not really, because basically finance or international trade me I do not care, I hate them both . I cried just because I did not get what I wanted because in my studies I never got what I wanted, I never wanted to integrate the IHEC, I never thought of doing business studies. This year I chose finance and non-trade and of course I have not got what I wanted. and why do you think? a difference of 0.03 fait average. Yesterday I spent a sleepless night, I did not sleep, I was glued to my window to breathe fresh air, watching the sky, imploring the heavens, I tried to keep hope, keep your head up but in vain. I have always hated
interventions, I do not want take the place of someone who deserves better than me, but what to do when we see that more people than you are able to void get what we deserve we, who take our place? I too will become rotten, and I will inform you as soon as I get what I want, because I'll have 'beleftef, I shall tell you just to confirm that our system is rotten, has the support with evidence . and I ask forgiveness ADVANCE one I prick instead, which will find off the list without ever knowing why ...