Write an article to talk about what is happening in Palestine to say what? to say that I support the Palestinian cause? AC is a fact, but after? I support a nation that is not even recognized as such. I support people who do not know even what it means to live in peace, a nation that sees death hit her family daily, and a Fulani who no longer fear death. I support a people who have no right even to dream and has no future. yes it's true I support, but after? what can I do? I can not do anything apart and watch this injustice to rebel. Briefly, I think all I can say on this subject has already been said many times but it did not help and it will not do anything. we need a miracle to win this war the Palestinians and they return to their country and their identity.
Special Envoy last night on TV5: Israeli children are traumatized by the attacks of Hamas has so much that they wet their bed.
This phrase goes through my mind while writing this article that say?
Is it possible to comment on such a sentence? no but is this normal? we care about the mouth that the? !
Children who wet the bed !!!!!! and children who die every day disaines is normal that? or is that the pee of a Jewish child is more important than the blood of an Arab child? ! that sentence was really shocked, it takes us for morons and we can not say anything, do anything. everyone knows that Jews have mastered the media but anyway! we try to justify a war that has killed and injured over 7000 people just because the Jewish children were scared in their beds at night? !
Really I do not know what to say, I leave you to comment on this sentence.