In my head:
It's dark, and I lack foresight.
is indecipherable and I lack intelligence.
is coded, and I can not find the code.
I find no common denominator to all these thoughts No logical connection.
I turn around, and I keep going in circles by dint I'm going to faint. Page
virtual hands on a keyboard, stroll, meet, graze the keys, pat, me in my room in the dark.
Black, I love the dark, I have dark thoughts, I always wear black, I take refuge in the dark.
Want to write a text, a nice text, words, nothing but words, words, nothing but words.
A text that looks nothing like the one I am about to write. I jump off the cock
al'âne, and I like it, I skip the cock al'âne, and I like it.
It does not please you can be, but me I like it 'serious', and this is my blog and therefore I use my power, abuse of power. A text
mediocre, I want to write a mediocre text, without head or tail, a text incomprehensible, indecipherable, a coded text, so a word to the wise hello.
I do not want to leave my room, she protects me and I do not want to store it, I like her disorder.
clothes on the floor, glass everywhere, a packet of cigarettes lying around, and I like it, there is life in there and it reassures me, it means that I still live.
I do not want to leave I do not want to face the world, I am helpless, I look so strong, so fragile at the back.
My studies are lagging behind, and I do not care anything, I'm stupid to put down a series, a series has the stupid, and I do not want to leave my bed, not want to work, my studies remind me my tendency to always make the wrong choice.
And I continue to smile, despite everything, I still had a smile, a fixed smile, an expression on a face expressionless.
Reminds me of that game we played when we were kids, when they began to laugh to laugh for no particular reason and in the end we caught laughter.
And I smile for no reason and hope that one day I will find my smile, my real smile.
I could not find a title this post that resembles nothing so I will let no title, no subject, nothing, poor text like the one I wanted to write, a desire has waned, a text without identity wandering in the blogosphere, and I leave the sphere.