Saturday, October 17, 2009

Afraid Lump Is Inflammatory Breast Cancer

my blog closes

voila, just a message to tell all my readers that I stop to write a last note, I'm a bit nostalgic but I really find myself in this blog, I'll create a new BCP will be less personal and completely anonymous.
has dios:)

Friday, October 2, 2009

Sleep Apnea Hemoglobin

anxiety of the blank

Words come and go, overwhelm me, over me everywhere and I feel overwhelmed, I feel like taking a sheet, a pen and write but this time they leave without a trace, leaving me alone with my white sheet, subsections are created in my head, text, a whole book, and in the same way they came, they go , escape, leaving me and leave me alone.
A god, and god knows how much I hate goodbyes.
ideas, projects in the future, just like words, surprise me Over me and hope is reborn, and I started to build dreams, house of cards, I surrender to my desires, I yield to my desires, I go into another world and then suddenly reality catches up with me, and I forget all my projects, all my dreams and desires and all I begin to live every day without thinking about nothing, I found my routine that I protect my dreams, my words and my ailments.
The desire to drop everything, to erase everything and find myself in front of a white sheet, a sheet or I will rebuild my life as I please, as I have always wanted, may be a fantasy, a myth, but I do 'm not a goddess I am human and I have the anxiety of the blank
Words, just words, nothing but evil words, and I quit writing and I opt for dialogue, but I do no ear, all my desires, my desires and all my dreams are for other than the whims of a girl who can not exceed a teenager, who can not sever ties with the childhood.
I speak, I try to convince, but I must first convince me, and no one encouraged me, and nobody takes me seriously.
I speak, at least try to speak, but I know I have never mastered the art of discussion, listening, I can do but talk, I am totally incapable.
I need to find myself face to me and talk for hours because I have the ability to listen, I know identify problems in others, even if I do not communicate, I know exactly Does the person in front wants to hear what she needs to hear, and what it must necessarily hear, I take all these nuances and confuses me, but this gift will serve me is nothing because I can not argue with me ..
I need advice, a order to be little, but my quest is vain.
white sheet, I want to start all over again, send everything in the air, to believe in myself, but am I ever believed in me?
The answer is no, an emphatic no, not one that hurts me deep inside me.
I'm only 20 years, my life is before me, I can still take risks, succeed or even fail, logic says, but I am able to overcome a failure?
I want to fuck everything in the air, get my degree next year, put it in a frame, the offer to my parents, in token of obedience, and start a new era, one where I am the master of my life, an era where nobody will decide in my place.
Words just words, evil, nothing but pain, then I allow myself to do something crazy once in my life, something which for me is full of meaning?
The answer I get it soon, I Ponder, I think, sometimes I find it ridiculous, sometimes I feel so good in the middle of my dream, and meanwhile I'll hide my game.
What I will do next year? mystery mystery, everyone will know in due course at the last moment, when no one can influence me, guide me or tell me what to do.