chuuuut chuuuuuuuuut hush ...
should not say this, do not say this, we must respect the great people not to seem rude, do not criticize the regime for fear of being BEHIND the barraux must be silent ... and hush, speak!
you do not right to express yourself, shut up.
the law of silence has governed my life, my little life, little life that has no interest.
I learned to keep quiet so that I obey the rules imposed over the years and I liked the silence, I became silent, silent as a stone.
now I am silent even when I have the right to speak, I am silent because it has become a habit, and the silence became a refuge.
annoys my silence, I'm aware but I can not help it, it's an education resulat whose first rule: silence.
I stay, I observe, listen, and I said nothing.
my silence annoying, and it t'agace you especially, I love you.
you tell me you love me and I reply that I love you too, you say sweet words, you express your feelings, your desires and I am silent, I find nothing to say.
why? because I do not really love you? no I love you and I love you beyond love, I love you more than anything else and since you came into my life you became my whole life.
everything revolves around you, whom I love.
in your company, everything is more beautiful, more beautiful world, my world is more beautiful because I find you so beautiful and my world is you.
the silence ... going to hell ... I curse the law that holds me and keeps me prisoner to express what I feel for you.
tell you that you suffer from a lack emotional and I am also an iceberg cold and the fire of love, the fire of passion burns in me and you do not see it just because I do the expresses it.
I want you in my arms forever, I want to dive into your eyes and tell you I love you, I adore you, you have beautified my world and that what I I lived with you all that did not share with you is nothing.
I met you by chance, you could have never done in my life and this idea scares me and terrifies me.
my life would be if I did not know? I do not want to think, let's just say that sometimes the chance does things ...
I do believe in destiny but I know that thou hast been intended ..
I love you and I love you well beyond what words can express and I feel that the word love is unable to express what I feel and I wanted to invent another word, and even another vocabulary to describe the seniments you that I have for you ...
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